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Jumat, 23 Januari 2009

System Development Of Autodidact Base on E-Learning

Study these days face 2 challenge. First challenge come from the existence of change of perception concerning learning. second challenge and itself coming from the existence of information technology and telecommunications showing remarkable growth. constructivisme basically have replied first challenge by re-definition learn as constructive process where information turned into by knowledge pass interpretation process, correspondence, representation, and elaboration.

Meanwhile, progress of information technology and communications which is fast so which offer various new amenities in conducive study the happening of friction of orientation learn from outside-guided become self-guided and from knowledge-as-possesion become knowledge-as-construction. More than that, this technology in the reality partake also play important role in innovating study conception which initialy focus at study as solely an presentation various knowledge become study as an tuition to be can do social eksplorasi of rich culture of knowledge

Renewal of theory learn to pass constructivisme notion and frictions that happened caused by progress of information technology and communications is two matter very and each other strengthening. constructivisme and computer technology, separately and together have offered new opportunities in course of study, either in class room, learn long distance and autodidact. One of the article ( Tam. M, Educational Technology, Volume 3 Number 2, 2000) please report that computer earn is effectively used to develop skills thinking higher-order which consist of ability define problem, assessing ( judging) an information, solving problem and concluding the relevantness.

Peripheral base on other technology which expected can be used in the effort developing environment learn more productive is video of discs, multimedia / hypermedia, and e-mail of internet, beside soft apparatus ofComputer Assisted Instruction / Computer Assisted Instruction intelligent ( CAI / icai) the availableness in the form of CD ROM ( Prakoso, 2005).

meaningless AUTODIDACT
Autodidact self-study. all important matter in course of autodidact is the make-up of willingness and skill of student / educative participant in course of learning under own team, so that in the end student / educative participant [do] not depend on teacher / instructor, counsellor, friend, or others in learning. In student autodidact / educative participant will go it alone ahead to comprehend read Iesson content or seen by him [pass/through] visual audio media. If getting difficulty then enquire or discuss him with friend, teacher / others or instructor. Student / self-supporting educative participant will be able to look for source learn which is him requiring.

Autodidact process give opportunity of educative participant to digest items teach meagrely teacher aid. They follow activity learn with teaching items which have been designed special so that the problem of or difficulty learn have anticipated before all. Model this autodidact is very useful, because assumed supple, ad for and also train student independence in order not to hinge of items description or attendance teach from teacher. Pursuant to supple idea and independence this is autodidact have ber’metamorfosis’ in such a manner, among others become system learn open opened and learn long distance. The change is also influenced by other sciences and fact in field.

Autodidact system claim the existence of special designed teaching items for that. According to Prawiradilaga ( 2004 : 194) Some conditions which must fulfill by items teach this is:

1). Clarity of formula of[is target of learning ( public and special).

2). Teaching items developed by phase for the shake of phase, tidy follow path of desain message, like balance message of verbal and visual.

3). Teaching items are complete study system, that is there is formula of is target of learning, teaching items, following the example of / is not example of, evaluate domination of items, guide learn and reading reference.

4). Teaching items can be sent to student pass media print, or computerize like CBT, CD-ROM, or audio program / video.

5). Items teach that sent with post service, or use sophisticated technology with internet ( selected situs) and e-mail; or by other which assumed easy to and reached by educative participant.

6). Forwarding of teaching items earn is also accompanied by program of tutorial, carried out pursuant to selected location and schedule or as according to agreement with.

WHAT THAT E-Learning?
E-Learning is a[n information technology which is new relatif in Indonesia. E-Learning consist of two shares, that is ‘ e’ is abbreviation of ‘ electronic’ and ‘ learning’ meaning ‘ study’. Become e-learning mean study by using aid service peripheral of electronics, specially peripheral of computer. In consequence, hence e-learning is often referred as also by ‘ online course’. In so many literature, e-learning defined as following :

E-learning is a generic term for all technologically supported learning using an array of teaching and learning tools as phone bridging, audio and videotapes, teleconferencing, satellite transmissions, and the more recognized web-based training or computer aided instruction also commonly referred to as online courses (Soekartawi, 2003)

Thereby hence study or e-learning pass online is study which the was him of supported by technological service like telephone, audio, videotape, satellite transmission or computer.

In his him, computer weared as a means of assist study, is in consequence recognized with term of computer learning based ( CBL) or of computer learning assisted ( CAL). Moment first time computer start to be introduced specially for study, hence computer become popular among protege. This matter can understand by because various variation of technique teach can be made constructively computer. Hence afterwards study technology continue to expand and isn't it become two that is :
1). Technology-based learning
2). Technology-based Web-learning
this Based-Learning Technology in principle consist of two, that is audio of information technologies ( tape audio, radio, mail voice, telephone ) and video of information technologies ( tape video, text nideo, video of messaging). While web-learning based technology basically is data of information technologies ( board bulletin, internet, enamel, tele-collaboration).

In execution of everyday study, which is often met by is combination of written down technology above ( audio / data, video / data, audio / video). Technological this also is often weared at education of long distance, meant communications to between teacher and pupil can happened with excellence of technology of e-learning this. While interaction between pupil and teacher can be executed to through direct way ( synchronous) or indirectly, for example message recorded ahead before used. This way is recognized by the name of e-synchronous.

characteristic of E-Learning for example is:

1). Exploiting technological service of electronic; where student and teacher, student humanity and student or teacher and teacher humanity can communicate with relative easy to without limited by things which is protokelor;

2). Using teaching materials have the character of self-supportingly ( materials learning self) kept by in computer of sehinga can be accessed by student and teacher any time and just where pertinent ; and

3). Exploiting study schedule, curriculum, result of progress learn and things related to education administration can be seen by each;every moment in computer.

Realizing that through internet can be found various information able to be accessed easy to, any time and just where, hence exploiting of internet become a[n requirement. Is not just that, consumer of internet can communicate with other party by very easy pass technique of e-moderating the availableness of diinternet. From various experience as well as from various available information in literature, showing promise concerning benefit usage of internet, specially open education da-lam and long distance, for example can be mentioned as follows:

1). The available of facility of e-moderating where pupil and teacher can communicate easily pass facility of internet by regular or any time activity communicate that conducted without limited by distance, place, and time.

2). Teacher and student can isn't it materials teach or guide learn which is schedule and structure pass internet, so that both can each other assessing until how much/many far teaching materials studied.

3). Student can learn or materials me-review teach each;every moment and just where when needed remember on file teaching materials is computer.

4). When student need information addition related to materials which is studying of him, he earns access in internet.

5). Whether student and teacher can execute discussion pass internet able to follow with participants amount which many, so that add broader knowledge and sciences.

6). Changing of it role of student from which is passive to usually become actively .

7). Relative more efficient. For example for which they remain far from conventional school or college, for the man who stir worked , for them commisioned in overseas etcetera.

Even though exploiting of internet for the study of or of e-learning nor quit of various insuffiency. Various criticism for example can be mentioned as following :

1). Lack of interaction among student and teacher even itself an
tar-siswa. Lack of this interaction can slow down the form of values in course of teaching and learning.

2). Tendency disregard aspect of academic social aspect or conversely push the growing of business aspect.

3). Process learn and teach him tend to toward training than education.

4). Changing of it role of teacher and which initialy master conventional study technique, nowadays was also claimed knew study technique using ICT;

5). Student which don't have motivation learn the highness tend to failure

6). Do not all available places [of] facility of internet ( possible [of] this matter relate to available by problem of electrics him, telephone, and or computer).

7). Lack of domination of computer.

E-Learning is application of internet able to connect among educative participant and educator in a room learn onlinely. E-Learning created to overcome limitation among educative participant and educator, especially in the case of room and time. With e-learning hence educative participant and educator Do not have to stay in one room dimension and time. Education process can walk any time neglectfully both the things. E-Learning of exploited or do not very how consumer look into or assess the e-learning. But is generally used by technological him of tergatung from:
1). Do that technology it is true have is requirement;

2). Is supporter facility of have adequate;

3). Do supported by adequate fund; and

4). What is there is support of maker of policy..


Hartanto, A.A and of Ono W. Purbo. 2002. Technology of E-Learning Base on PHP and of Mysql. Elex Media of Komputindo: Jakarta.

Miarso, Yusuf Hadi. 2004. Planting Technological Seed of Education. Gold: Jakarta.

Prakoso, kukuh Setyo. 2005. Developing E-Learning with Moodle. Publisher of Andi: Yogyakarta.

Prawiradilaga,Dewi S and of Eveline Siregar. 2004. Technological Mosaic of Education. Prenata Media: Jakarta..

Soekartawi. 1999. Device of Instructional. Rajawali Press: Jakarta.

Soekartawi. 2003. E-Learning in Indonesia and the Prospect of in Period To Come. Handing out submitted at national seminar in University of Petra, Surabaya, 3 Februari 2003.

Tam, M. Constructivism, Instructional Design, and Technology: Implication for Transforming Distance Learning. Educational Technology, Volume 3 Number 2. 2000.

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